Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tuesday 10/25/2005 CrossFit workout: Q

5 Pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Warmup: Fast run (~ 7:15/mile) for 10 minutes; stretching
Workout: 11 rounds + 1 pullup
Cooldown: jog 7:30 slowly, walk 5 mins; breathing was difficult -- focused on exhalation

  • Done at Elliott Bay Park, Seattle
  • Pushups broken starting with 2nd round
  • Started jumping pullups on 3rd round
  • Pushups broken starting with 4th round
  • Pushups on knees starting with 6th round
  • Squats were great
  • Tweaked left shoulder on kipping pullup in 3rd round
  • Left shoulder ROM much worse than right -- pain starts when arm is straight up and a few degrees posterior of parallel with body